Нумеролог: «Татьяна Буланова обвенчается с бывшим мужем» Clara Kuzenbaeva predicts the singer reuniting with her husband. Last year Tatiana Bulanova broke up with the father of her son, Vladislav Radimov. However, the expert believes that the celebrity has all the chances to establish privacy.

      Нумеролог: «Татьяна Буланова обвенчается с бывшим мужем»

      Today, the star of the 90s Tatyana Bulanova celebrates 48th birthday. The singer was married twice, she has two sons – 26-year-old Alexander and nine-year-old Nikita. With second husband, football player Vladislav Radimov, the actress broke up at the end of last year due to repeated betrayals of the athlete. Numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva and made forecast for the future Bulanova.

      “Life code Tatiana – 347 224 – suggests that she was born in “the Day of lovers,” says Clara. – She’s the host of a sign of artistry and peacemaker in life, the singer is very hard to ruffle. Her patience is so great that it is able not to react to the betrayal of others. For my husband it was perfect, because he’s not exactly kept true to his stellar wife. But everything comes to an end and when the athlete began to change her in the open, Bulanova could not stand it and left. But then again this should be more him than her, because the second such Holy women who were able to make it, Radimov will not meet”.

      The numerologist said that, judging by the life code of Vladislav, he is the soul of the company, the darling, a great friend and a very charismatic man. But, according to him, the character the player is unbearable. Kuzenbaeva noted that the athlete is not able to conceal the fraud: to go left, he can not and will always get caught. Tatyana Bulanova is difficult to talk about conflict in the family

      “Marriage and Bulanova Radimov was unequal: the athlete dominated the marriage, because Tatiana has a very low self-esteem, continues Clara. Vladislav was never enough warmth, because Tanya, despite the apparent softness, the man is tough enough. But I’m not sure what the relationship of the singer and the football player came to an end. It is possible that they will converge and even get married – the singer has such thoughts.”

      According to numerology, Tatiana shouldn’t constantly doubt myself and to be introspective, otherwise the luck will turn away from her. Clara thinks the singer needs to smile more and to drive away sad thoughts, then it’ll be a great success. In 50 years she’ll meet a man who is very much like her and learn to be truly happy, what did not work out the previous wife Tatiana.

      “I suggest Tatiana is not much to worry about divorce. Today in her life, the year of the tens, the singer has all the chances to record a new hit and get good money,” concluded Clara.