Никита Пресняков прокомментировал беременность возлюбленной

Nikita Presnyakov adores her younger brothers and sisters, the youngest of whom, incidentally, less than a year old. Despite the fact that the grandson of the prima Donna has not yet taken place as the family man (Nikita’s still not going to get married), he dreams about the offspring and even told the journalist who, in his opinion, is the perfect child.

Interestingly, this is not a living character, and toon.

“I hope I will have a daughter someday – dreams of the youngest Presnyakov. – But my girlfriend is not pregnant – don’t believe all the crap. Today revised the cartoon “Ralph”. I am so crazy about this cartoon. There’s a girl Glitch: it’s just a ideal daughter. I even tears appear when I watch “Ralph”. The whole cartoon dedicated to the relationship of father and daughter. And Glitch is just awesome”.

By the way, the same “awesome” Nikita believes her sister to Claudius. However, despite the desire to see my sister not often Presnyakov: “Now they are gone again! – sighs the guy. – Therefore, we do not see each other so often. They are the travelers. But I’m madly in love with Claudia and wait for each new meeting”.

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