Соседи ухаживают за Евгением Осиным
Lately in the life of the famous in the ‘ 90s, singer Evgeny Osin, not everything went smoothly: first became aware of the fact that the man is trying to communicate with her daughter, then his condition worsened, and he began to suffer from alcohol dependence.

Соседи ухаживают за Евгением Осиным

The neighbors of the singer began to worry as he stopped to open the door and for a long time did not come out of the apartment.

Соседи ухаживают за Евгением Осиным

In a situation of decided to investigate the program “Let them talk”. The journalists met Aspen in his apartment in a very bad condition, he was half-naked and could not even sit. It turned out that now the neighbors take care of him, leaving food by the door of the apartment.

Соседи ухаживают за Евгением Осиным

All were surprised, and where the hedgehog his family or friends who could support him.

The Studio program aspen has not appeared, because, according to Dmitry Borisov, the singer had to call an ambulance.

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