Наталья Фриске поделилась пророческим фото своей сестры

It has been over a year and a half since then, as from a serious illness has died the singer Zhanna Friske. Relatives and fans do not cease to remember expensive to them man. For example, sister Jeanne Natalia from time to time on his page in the social network publishes photos of the actress. On the eve Natalia also shared the Jeanne and shocked his followers.

The fact that the published the a including mom Friske, socil prophetic. When Joan posed for this photo, it turned out that she was on the background of the “gravestones” and a cross.

Of course, any death, especially of a serious illness is successful and cheerful, the singer did not think. “Gravestone” actually turned out to be a building in the distance, and a cross – strut to which was attached a glass fence.

However, the feeling when you look in the photo is not very bright.

“Tomorrow will be 1.8 as your little heart stopped beating…still don’t understand what you don’t..(( photo 2009, on your birthday… my mom printed out this picture to put It in a frame, and the mother noticed that the background cross and gravestone…. almost like the cemetery right now… 😞”, — wrote Natalia.

Members of the girl came to the horror of the prophetic picture, and not even found, how can this be explained.