Настя Задорожная активно ищет любовь

  • Настя Задорожная активно ищет любовь

    Nastya Zadorozhnaya

  • Настя Задорожная активно ищет любовь

    The artist decided to make a clip in the form of mini-film

  • Настя Задорожная активно ищет любовь

    In the video Nastya took part IDA Galich and Daria Kolpikova

  • Настя Задорожная активно ищет любовь

    Nastya got the pleasure of filming

  • Настя Задорожная активно ищет любовь

    In the story the girls go in search of his destiny

  • Настя Задорожная активно ищет любовь

    Nastya spent on the set more than a day

  • Настя Задорожная активно ищет любовь

    Fans have been eagerly waiting for the release of the video

  • Настя Задорожная активно ищет любовь

    Zadorozhnaya glad I took a light and funny clip

  • The script girl get into absurd situations

Recently Nastya Zadorozhnaya finished working on a video for new track “I feel (the Body)”. Easy dance song talks about as loving girl, able to rash and reckless acts. In this role, and the heroine Nastya Zadorozhnaya, who along with two friends went in search of the future bride. Co-wrote the script along with Zadorozhnaya made known blogger IDA Galich, who along with actress “electrotheatre Stanislavsky” Daria Kolpakovoj played the roles of friends Nasty.

In the video the main character of the movie in the face of Nastya Zadorozhnaya together with friends goes on dates with different men hoping to find the one. But, having failed on all fronts, the girls pour the mountain bar, go on a spree, getting into absurd and comical situations. On the screen the viewer will see a mini-comic, and the artist herself Zadorozhnaya keep shooting clips in a mini-movie.

“Releasing this winter, a dramatic music video for the song “conditioned reflex”, we continued to shoot videos in the format of a mini-movie. This time we did the Comedy – admitted Nastya Zadorozhnaya. The story of how in search of love, happiness and adventure, and not getting everything at once, the girls embark on a fun and unpredictable way, which people call “breaking bad”! Sure, many sketches of this story will be painfully familiar female audience, as well as anyone could witness such behavior. The video will be longer than usual, so I’m really looking forward to the result! Gamble it is a gamble!”

Shooting the video for Nastya Zadorozhnaya “I feel (the Body) lasted more than a day, and the result can be seen already in early October, when the video will appear on music channels. Fans looking forward to new work by your favorite artist, and I hope that the result will exceed their expectations.