39-летняя Виктория Талышинская улетела рожать в Майями
The soloist of the group Nepara 39-year-old singer Victoria talyshinskaya will soon become a mother.

39-летняя Виктория Талышинская улетела рожать в Майями

3 weeks ago, Vick was finally able to afford to go on maternity leave and fly off to relax on the coast of the Atlantic ocean. It is already known that the birth will take place in Miami.

39-летняя Виктория Талышинская улетела рожать в Майями

39-летняя Виктория Талышинская улетела рожать в Майями

Victoria went to Miami with his mother, Larisa Nikolaevna that after the baby is born will help her cope with all the responsibilities.

39-летняя Виктория Талышинская улетела рожать в Майями

Just yesterday flew to her husband, Ivan Salakhov, who, apparently, doesn’t want to miss the most important day and the first to see your baby, but it is not known whether he will attend the birth.