Настасья Самбурская подала заявку на участие в «Евровидении-2017″

The former star of “Uni” Nastasya Samburski not so long ago presented their new video for the song with a very extravagant name. The actress has recorded a song about the life of the oligarchs and their environment.

The clip appeared online on 1 February and to date it has been viewed more than 1.7 million people.

But this mission as if creation Samburski ends. It turns out that Nastasia decided to conquer the European scene and even filed an application for participation in “Eurovision-2017” to be held in Kiev (Ukraine).

According to star, the song has already been translated into English and ready to be heard by the European audience.

Nastasia said that his success no doubt. “I just have connections in the government, is quoted by Nastasia Life.ru. – Therefore, we, the whole delegation – I and go to Eurovision. …, He is not with us.”

The name of the artist, which will go to represent Russia at “Eurovision” will be named March 10. Competitors Samburski — Alexander Panayotov and Daria Antonyuk, the group “Soprano Turetsky”. Voluntarily of the race left Elena Temnikova, who said that now busy with his own projects, because there’s just no time.