Надежда Ангарская впервые показала, в каких условиях растит сына Participant Comedy Woman invited “StarHit” visit. The actress and her husband demonstrated the results of recent repairs in the apartment, which was acquired shortly before birth.

      Надежда Ангарская впервые показала, в каких условиях растит сына

      “StarHit” was the first one 33-year-old Hope and her husband, 30-year-old musician Raed, invited to their new family nest, and was introduced to eight-month-old son David. Star Comedy Woman purchased a one bedroom apartment in a house on the sixth floor in the area of prospect Mira.

      Here Angarskaya like almost all. Perfect location – three minutes walk to work, office Comedy Woman. Infrastructure: shops, fitness-club, beauty – all at your fingertips. Only here to walk with your child, especially anywhere.

      “Natasha Medvedev is still joking that, well, it was not necessary to buy an apartment away from the Park area,” smiles Redwood. – And I answered her: “Well, wait a minute! I had it when barren was.”

      Fortunately, the doctors who assured Hope that she will not be able to have children, made a mistake, and the acquisition of property coincided with the pregnancy of the stars. Housewarming celebrated together. Specially for our visit Nadya’s husband went to the market where I bought fruit and sweets.

      “Guys, help yourself to the strawberries,” offered Redwood. – Take dates and figs. They are from the country of Raed from Jordan. After giving birth, I sat on a special diet. Eat all natural and I walk a lot. Left 10 pounds. Want to achieve the same result as in 2014, your project “lose Weight with StarHit “when I lost 15 pounds.” Nadezhda Angarskaya actively losing weight after childbirth

      Надежда Ангарская впервые показала, в каких условиях растит сына

      Over a Cup of coffee Angara said that the repairs done for six months. My husband and I argued a lot. Chose only the tiles in the bathroom and the Wallpaper in one of the rooms. Favorite place Nadi bedroom. It turned out a cozy kitchen, which is combined with the living room.

      “With set we blundered – continues to Angarsk. – When I found him and we counted the cost, that seemed too expensive. But in the end bought after a price hike. Acted like millionaires. But it is beautiful! And our special pride – the balcony, where my husband made a Cabinet”.

      Надежда Ангарская впервые показала, в каких условиях растит сына

      Here is a table, a computer, an electric piano, which plays to Raed. According to Angara, they looked flat in the fall, came out on the loggia, I saw a bright orange maple tree outside the window and was stunned… “we bought a house in the suburbs, twice this area, now repair are doing,” says the star. But, having lived in the centre, no idea how I’m going to go there. The proximity of home to work allows plenty of time to spend with his son. In the carrier and put David and the whole day walking circles around the house wound. But if I am on tour, with the baby sitting, or Raed, or comes a nanny who lives next door”.

      Надежда Ангарская впервые показала, в каких условиях растит сына
      Надежда Ангарская впервые показала, в каких условиях растит сына

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