Мистера Бига в сериале «Секс в большом городе» мог сыграть Алек Болдуин

Who would not have translated to the screen actor Chris noth, whose filmography includes over five dozen films, but we will always know him as “Mr. big” from the popular series “sex and the city” (“Sex & The City”). Hard to imagine, but it could play another well-known actor Alec Baldwin. This was stated by the producer of the TV show Darren Old.

Мистера Бига в сериале «Секс в большом городе» мог сыграть Алек Болдуин
“At first we planned to give the role of Mr. big Alec Baldwin..But then there was our meeting with Chris Note. “Law and order” I wasn’t looking, but during our meeting I realized that I needed to give him this role. He showed himself perfectly at the first trial. Can’t say that Chris is Mr. big, but made a lot of their identity in a trusted role,” said Darren.

Мистера Бига в сериале «Секс в большом городе» мог сыграть Алек Болдуин
But that’s not all the surprises, revelations from old. He also said that instead of John Corbett, who played the role of another beloved Cary Bradshaw, with whom she even tried to find happiness, was to play Aidan Quinn (now everybody knows him from TV series “Elementary”). It is also well proved at the trial, and that the producers decided to give him the name of the hero.

Recall that a few months ago it became known that the role of Carey Bradshaw was supposed to play Sarah Jessica Parker, star of TV series Lisa Edelstein. The actress still can’t watch the famous TV series, because regrets about lost opportunities.


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