Мама Ольги Бузовой стравливает ее с сестрой
Anna Buzova was a better wife than her sister.

Olga Buzova and her mother Irina Alexandrovna and her younger sister Anna

Photo: Yury Feklistov

After a terrible divorce with Dmitry Tarasov and serious health problems, trouble
for Olga Buzova, alas, is not over. Her mother Irina Aleksandrovna continues
to tell new details of failed marriage of his eldest
daughter of Olga and could not help comparing her with her sister Anna.

The youngest
sister — peace and quiet: she is happy in
civil marriage with Constantine for many years. And this
the dissonance in the family worried about mother girls. From the shocking correspondence that
appeared on the Internet, the Network got free mother Olga.

“You should try being a girl. Need
understand that you and pig, and very clutter. But for the sake of one and
become a better person. It’s little things like to make your bed, clean up the trash
rinse the sink, close the Cabinet door. Your men tidy and I
you to order is not taught. Anya corrected, and you are always very dirty. If
don’t want to do this for a loved one, then at least for themselves and their children. None
man will not live with a slut” — wrote Irina Alexandrovna, putting Olga in
example sister. Based on the text, it can be concluded that the mother indicates the
an unexpected cause of quarrel Olga and Dmitry: my husband daughter is tired of home
the mess and dirt, and clean Buzova, apparently, only on the perimeter
“House-2”. Of course, fans Buzova thought it was SMS grazing of the two
the sisters ‘ own mother.

Recall that after the news about the divorce of Olga Buzovoy Dmitry
Tarasov six months later, and in the press appear all new and new details
this stellar marriage. For example, mother Olga Buzova Irina spoke about
former son-Dmitry. The woman claims that before the wedding she was concerned that
the fact that her favorite daughter with scandal left from the first family, where he grew up
daughter. Besides, Tarasov harshly told the future wife that they will sign
the marriage contract, which in the case of divorce, Olga has no right to anything
claim. Unfortunately, these facts did not bother Buzova, she believed in the most
love with Tarasov and was sure that this marriage is the only one in her life. And
it turned out what happened: a scandalous divorce, forfeiture of all material
benefits and, as a consequence, trauma Olga.