Мама Орландо Блума в восторге от невесты сына The actor introduced Katy Perry with the main woman in his life. The first meeting of the new passion Orlando bloom Katy Perry with potential mother-in-law took place in one of the pubs of London.

      Мама Орландо Блума в восторге от невесты сына

      Famous actor Orlando bloom a few years ago broke up with the mother of his son Flynn, model Miranda Kerr, it seems, will soon again allow themselves to be ringed. The star of a romance with singer Katy Perry, and apparently, in a relationship couples are very serious.

      As reported by the foreign press, recently, 39-year-old actor introduced his beloved to a loved one, his mother Sonia Constance Josephine. As reported by insiders, for a first meeting with a potential mother-in-law Katy Perry arrived in London. The familiarity of the singer with the mother of the elect took place in one of the pubs of the capital of England. Apparently, the mother was pleased with the selection of his famous offspring – Carrie had made a good impression. The tight group had a great time. “They joked and laughed, the mother of Orlando bloom was in good spirits,” he told the journalists to sources close to star pair. It should be noted that the relationship of Orlando bloom and Katy Perry are developing quite rapidly. Their romance became public knowledge only a couple of months ago.

      It happened after the afterparty of the “Golden globe -2016”, where two celebrity practically did not depart from each other, and this gave reason to assume that they were a couple. Then they were seen together in the restaurant, in the company of friends and in the press leaked information that Orlando was introduced to Cathy and her five-year old son Flynn, and she quickly found the baby common language.

      It is worth Recalling that after the divorce, Orlando bloom model Miranda Kerr in 2013, he had several no ending novels. The star of Lord of the rings was attributed to the relationship with Selena Gomez, Liv Tyler, a dark-skinned actress Kondolay Rashad and even married the French movie star by Nora Arnezeder. 31-year-old American singer Katy Perry also has experienced several disappointments in his personal life. In 2012 she got divorced with her husband, and then a long time to build relationships because of the fear of a new parting. Before I met Orlando bloom Katie had an affair with John Mayer, but he developed in a very and about a year ago the couple parted. It is not excluded that finally both the personal life of the stars will get better, and fans with enthusiasm the news about the imminent wedding of their idols.

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