"Деньги найдите, пожалуйста": высказывания Аллы Вербер увековечили на футболках

T-shirts from Rybchinskogo seems to be in danger! We now have t-shirts with portraits and the best statements of fashion Director of TSUM and DLT Alla werber.

Know about it even those who in these stores come infrequently. The Queen of Russian retail sector is not only famous for the people who regularly buy something from meticulously selected Alla Konstantinovna of range but also the users of the network for fashion watch mostly in Instagram and Telegram.

Both categories appreciate her for her spontaneity, sense of humor and originality. Show how you do the massage, and turn the roller on the purchase of bags in a sketch show is very much in the style of Alla werber. Since the beginning of the year, TSUM has released stickers for the Telegram with his fashion Director, the issue of the final transformation businesswoman in meme seems to have been solved.



All of these “find the Money, please” and “you Need a huge budget,” said with a distinctive accent, which mixed years of his life in Italy, Canada and the USA, for a long time and asked at least of the motivators. Floating in the air the idea was eventually implemented not a designer, SMM-Manager (well, who else can be so sensitive to the hype) from Moscow Maxim Kirilichev.

The merchandise is made in the most simple manner — on the classic white t-shirt caused soft prints with a photo, and the font chosen are simple.

To attach to the body of the statements of Alla Konstantinovna, charged for the irony, worth 1 900 rubles.

The new designer, according to his confession, has created a collection exclusively of feelings of deep sympathy for werber, nevertheless without her consent. She is the Muse while the comments were not given. However, there is a chance that Alla Konstantinovna would react with understanding to such trendy dedications. At least wear something with a message and she does not mind, even an apron.

UPD. Today it became known that the Internet store with t-shirts ceased to exist. Cum still does not give an official comment, but lawyers call such an outcome is quite logical. In the creative impulse of the novice designer has forgotten about the legislation of the Russian Federation and copyright. So, have been used illegally the logo of the TSUM Department store, as well as personal content from Instagram Alla werber. The precedent will be a lesson for all the lovers hypnoti.

"Деньги найдите, пожалуйста": высказывания Аллы Вербер увековечили на футболках