Михаил Боярский вступился за своего зятя Максима Матвеева The actor has struggled to defend the honor and dignity of their daughters, when it comes to gossip. In the Network repeatedly wrote about the divorce of Elizabeth Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveyev, however, the stellar father-in-law strongly denies these rumors. On the contrary, he gets to defend the wife’s daughter, as feeds him the warmest feelings.

      Михаил Боярский вступился за своего зятя Максима Матвеева

      Mikhail Boyarsky does not intrigue into his family, especially when we are talking about your favorite heiress and her husband. The media has many times emerged that the couple on the verge of divorce, because they rarely see each other and thus practically do not spend time together. Artist to hear about such attacks funny, because he claims that Lisa was very lucky with my husband. He otmechaet that Maxim is extremely tuboltsev and attentive. For the famous father-in-law is also important that it incorporated a sense of duty and responsibility to loved ones, so for the fate of the successor of the boyar’s not worried.

      Elizaveta Boyarskaya is outraged by the behavior of the father

      The artist draws attention to the fact that, despite the involvement in a creative profession, Matveev proved in everyday life. He is ready to fix any thing in the house, and it is sometimes very useful. The man, according to father-in-law, also copes with his father’s side obyazannosti. Together with his wife they are actively engaged in self-education and development of the baby. Boyarsky noted with envy that his four year old grandson knows English better than he.

      “From how he had swaddled Andryushka, ending with today’s entertainment, he can do everything. He collects everything, anything, connect anything . Can making machine, can make the mill. A serious man. And grandson loves it. Such a father will not disappear” , – said Mikhail Boyarsky.
      Михаил Боярский вступился за своего зятя Максима Матвеева

      It should be noted that the actor does not believe that in a couple Maxim and Lisa have some serious problems. He explained that Matview does not allow the conflict to reach a critical point. According to Boyarsky, without quarrels and clarify the relationship it is impossible to lay a solid Foundation swasa. Both young men are committed to their craft, it is not surprising that Matveev rarely spends time with his wife.

      Speaking about his son-in-law, people’s artist of Russia drew attention to the fact that he tries not to interfere in the lives of his daughter and her husband. “Let them carry on without me” – said to journalists by the contractor. Its main task, as he himself admits, to be a grandfather for the son of Elizabeth. However, the celebrity does not hide that he misses Maxim, because they are rarely seen due to his constant travel.

      “Maxim all the time abroad, in Moscow, and I in St. Petersburg, and more, I see Lisa. And max and rarely see each other, unfortunately”, – said the boyar in the program “You wouldn’t believe!”