Майкл Китон предлагает «дать Трампу шанс»

All America was divided into opponents and defenders of the new President of Donald trump. Most of the celebrities is in the second camp, but still are celebrities with a cool head, calling for an end to the persecution, which gave Trump his fellow citizens.

Along with Nicole Kidman and Stephen Baldwin in support of the Donald made Michael Keaton.

The star of the movie “Birdman” calls to give a 45-th the President a chance.

“I didn’t vote for him, but right now we just need to give him a chance,” said 65-year-old actor, who in a short time we will see in kynoselen Marvel with a role in “spider-Man: coming home.”

Keaton I am sure that now, when it was inaugurated trump, stupid, and ignorantly continue to criticize him, it is better to see how he will act. Perhaps his reign will not be so disastrous for the country, as many imagine.