Майкл Дуглас и Кэтрин Зета-Джонс  отдыхают в горах

How nice after the terrible news about the condition of Hollywood actor Michael Douglas to see him smiling and happy. Together with his wife Catherine-Zeta Jones he is now resting at a ski resort. However, it is unknown which one.

Майкл Дуглас и Кэтрин Зета-Джонс  отдыхают в горах
On their pages in social networks the star couple have shared their photos with rest.

“Spring break!” — signed photo Michael.
Recall that last week came some disturbing news: Western media reported that Michael has had a relapse of cancer of the throat and that he have chemotherapy. But even with upcoming treatment Douglas did not give more than half a year. There was even information that the actor gets rid of his assets and has made changes to the will.

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