Уэст соревнуется с Кардашьян количеством подписчиков в Twitter

The rapper almost a day spent in the social network and posted a funny message. The result was not long in coming: now he has more than 20 million subscribers.

On this occasion, Twitter has created an interactive map with data about how people around the world reacted to the tweets of rapper.

The most active fans of the West were the inhabitants of North America and Europe. Followed by Internet users in South America and Africa. Only in Russia and Asia spouse Kim Kardashian was not very popular.

According to the ranking, the most popular messages by steel reflections on life and love confessions to yourself.

Phrase Kanye “I want people to become the best version of yourself, then I will be the best version of me” gathered 52 thousand 49 thousand likes and reposts, and the question “Why people don’t want to be like me?” – 55 thousand 57 thousand likes and reposts.

In addition, the musician told users about their favorite brands of clothing and shoes, shared their photos and thanking family and friends.


The other day my favorite Kanye West Kim Kardashian published in mikrobloge his “naked” photo and become a star network. Instagram followers split into two camps: one was asked to remove a provocative picture, others praised and supported (read the link).

In any case, at the present time on account of Kim Kardashian in the social network signed in two times more people than on the account of Kanye West.

Will see what happens next!

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