СМИ сообщают о беременности Ксении Собчак According to the respected publication, TV presenter and journalist did not deny an interesting situation. At the opening of the exhibition artist léon Bakst Ksenia Sobchak appeared in the outfit not hiding some changes of her figure.

      СМИ сообщают о беременности Ксении Собчак

      Unexpected news ended with the opening of the exhibition artist léon Bakst in the capital’s Pushkin Museum. The event was organized by festival of arts “Chereshnevy Les” and the magazine L’officiel, whose editor is Ksenia Sobchak. The attention of visitors the exhibition attracted not only masterpieces of painting, presented at a private event, but the star itself.

      According to witnesses, the figure of the presenter has changed. In addition, reporters were quick to note that the facial features of Xenia began to look different. All of this led me to think that Sobchak in an interesting position, and in the next few months she and her husband Maxim Vitorgan will become parents. It is worth noting that the author of the note, stating the fact about pregnancy, stressed in comments to media that she and Xenia denies this information.

      “Editor in chief of L’officiel Ksenia Sobchak still pregnant. The rumors and tabloids was attributed to her delicate situation for many years, but only now it became an obvious truth,” – said the journalists.

      For anybody not a secret that for a long time Sobchak admitted to some animosity towards the children and said even that never wanted to be a mother. However, over time, close celebrities began to declare her willingness to give beloved wife of the heir and to know that along with the joy of motherhood.

      Lyudmila Narusova: “Ksenia ready to children, with diapers I’ll help!”

      Ksenia’s mother, in turn, stressed that it was ready to help her daughter and son-in-law with their grandchildren, but because looking forward to that happy event. According to the publication “Kommersant”, it will happen in the near future.

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