Максим Фадеев похудел на 40 кг благодаря особой диете Recently, the producer spoke about how struggling with being overweight. As it turned out, Maxim Fadeev has their own style. In addition, the figure of show business has told about relations with Timothy, the conflict between Egor Creed and Olga Seryabkina and appreciated the work of Olga Buzova.
Максим Фадеев похудел на 40 кг благодаря особой диете

The other day Maxim Fadeev went live on Instagram in order to answer questions fans. The producer talked about working with the artists of the label MALFA, the sources of inspiration and respect to the colleagues on show-to business, – Timothy, Olga Buzova and Russian rappers. According to Fadeev, his work affected all – from Sunny weather to the smiles of loved ones.

Social media users noticed that the producer of lost, and asked how he achieved such impressive results. Fadeev said that has not yet reached the goal, but be sure to share the secret of diet in the more distant future.

“I lost 42 kg left to lose another 30. I had a very large weight, it became impossible to live with it. I thought up the system of weight loss, now all this is leading for yourself. As you can see, the results are there. When I finish, then, of course, will share it,” – said the worker of show business.

When Fadeev get rid of extra pounds, he plans to radically change the image. The producer intends to say goodbye to the facial hair. “A few years ago, I said that I shave my beard how lose weight”, he explained to subscribers.

We are talking about Linda the actress, which once worked by Maxim Fadeev. The producer reported that he plans to record with her song. “I don’t want. First watched her work, then became uninteresting. In the human sense, I love her, but in creative I think she chose the wrong path,” said the man.

Social media users also asked Fadeeva about whether the conflict from his client Olga Seryabkina Egor Creed. In a recent interview, the contractor said that he had a fight with the soloist SEREBRO, and then reconciled. However, Olga could not remember disputes with Yegor. Fadeev was also very surprised by the words of the creed. He laughed when he heard the details of the story.

Максим Фадеев похудел на 40 кг благодаря особой диете“Well, he’s a little boy, even telling stories to everyone. We have no quarrel with Yegor Creed. I saw him a few times in my life, I could not be with him to quarrel,” said the producer.

Many fans Fadeeva interested in how it relates to the presenter and the young singer Olga Buzova. As it turned out, the producer pays tribute to its violent activities.

“I believe that her success is obvious. I think she is doing everything right – exactly as required in today’s atmosphere. Speaking a professional language that I do not close, but from the point of view of the events I respect those people who are unable to create it. So I have to respect it,” – said the worker of show business.

To the question, does he respect Timothy, Fadeev said, “Very.” The producer admitted that he considered the contractor’s surface. “But when we started working together, I was shocked. Say in all sincerity. It is absolutely a drone guy. I think this is a very talented businessman and person. And more importantly, his heart. I didn’t expect. It is deep, clever,” said the man.