Брак Джоли и Питта рухнул из-за его пристрастия к алкоголю и марихуане
Angelina is afraid for the safety of children.

Angelina Jolie and brad pitt

Photo: Legion-media

That the family of Angelina Jolie and
Brad pitt was having a serious problem in Hollywood was rumored for a long time. However
no one suspected what the scale of the drama.
Only now, when Jolie filed for divorce and, to everyone’s amazement,
requested sole physical custody of children, limiting the role of Pitta just right visits, it became clear — she had a very good reason.

As it became known to the informant of the website TMZ, which, by the way, yesterday the first reported
the divorce of the star couple, Angelina took this difficult decision
because began to seriously fear for their six children who are brought up with pitt. The fact that brad
began to abuse marijuana and alcohol. And, as it turned out,
in a drunken state he had fits of unwarranted rage.

Pitt has never hidden that he is not averse to smoke
pot. He had sinned in those days, when was the husband of Jennifer aniston.
But, as argued by brad, since he had children, he tries
to do it as infrequently as possible. And now it turned out that actually his problem is only getting worse. And more recently, trying to remove
accumulated stress and fatigue, pitt had systematically drunk. And attempts
his senses led to new scandals. Angelina stood in front of
choice: to save her marriage, and her children every day are forced
to see his father in this state, or decide to divorce.

As stated last night, Jolie’s father, actor Jon Voight, who was shocked
the message about the divorce of his daughter, “so that she made this decision, was
something very serious”. And, according to a source, a week ago, the family
really has been a particularly brutal fight. And connected she was, in all
likely, not with the alleged cheating on brad with actress Marion Cotillard — she
Pitt after shooting in joint film are no longer met. As
says the informant, taken under the influence of “performance enhancing drugs” pitt behaved
so bad that Jolie the first time was truly afraid for the children…