Брак Анастасии Стоцкой оказался под угрозой из-за разлучниц
The pregnant singer is trying to save the relationship with her husband.

Anastasia Stotskaya

Photo: @100tskaya (Instagram Anastasia Stotskaya)

Anastasia Stotskaya was the victim of the actions of ill-wishers. Some subscribers will pregnant singer made an attempt to separate her from her husband, Sergei. It has conducted its own investigation and figured out who was going to quarrel with her husband.

It turned out that not so long ago Sergey began to carry on Anastasia. Because he doesn’t use social media to him in a distorted version conveyed something which photo Stotsky publishes online. “It turns out that some “bird’s tail” of the guys who signed me periodically communicates to my husband, in what position and as I stood up, expressing it in his ugly and perverted way. I want to appeal to all doubtful persons, to unsubscribe, do not write nasty comments and try not to make a rift in my family!” — said Anastasia.

Stotsky assured all the spiteful critics: despite best efforts, she still manages to overcome the crisis in relations with her husband. “If you are bad, painful and hard — go to a psychiatrist or “priorities” in the woods. But I do not need, pregnant woman, mother, to give instructions and try to quarrel with my family, telling what I’m bad or good, what to keep or not to keep the stomach what color to dye your hair, etc., We do understand — adults. We are all well. In the end, sort it out in their families!” she said.

Meanwhile, fans are advised Anastasia not really nervous, as this can affect the baby’s health. Soon Stotskaya become a mother for the second time. Singer some time ago said that waiting for the girl.