Марина Африкантова боится, что Чуев будет ей мстить
About a month ago on the popular TV show “Dom-2” Andrei Chuev asked his girlfriend Marina Afrikantov to make a choice – him or the show.

Марина Африкантова боится, что Чуев будет ей мстить

Marina made the hard decision to stay on telestroke.

For Andrew, this choice of the beloved was a severe blow.

Now it turned out that Chuev sends threatening messages Africanoboi.

“Andrew said that does not forgive betrayal – shared the girl. – And my act, he considers it so. After leaving he wrote me a threatening SMS messages and 20 voice messages. I’ve listened to only a few – a solid Mat and insults. Did not continue to listen. Upset, crying in the night.”

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