Мария Ситтель о рождении дочери: «Мы очень счастливы!» TV presenter gave birth to a fifth child. Maria Sittel gave her husband Alexander Tereshchenko daughter. Star screen and a newborn babe feel great and was discharged from the hospital.

      Мария Ситтель о рождении дочери: «Мы очень счастливы!»

      TV presenter Maria Sittel gave her husband five children. The long-awaited event took place in mid-September in one of Moscow hospitals. Newborn baby and mommy feel good and accept congratulations.

      “StarHit” contacted a large mom and greeted her with a joyful event.

      “Thank you very much for the congratulations! Yes, I became a mother in mid-September. We have a girl, baby named Catherine. Feel perfectly, at home. All very happy!” – shared Sittel with “StarHit”.

      40-year-old Maria was observed in the Moscow clinical hospital “Lapine”. The cost of VIP delivery there is 500 thousand rubles.

      “The choice depends on where we live, – has shared with “StarHit” Maria. – A few years ago moved his family out of town. Therefore, if earlier it was the Center of family planning and reproduction on Sevastopol Avenue, now closer Lapino. In addition, I have had a long warm relationship with mark Kurtzer. The only problem is that, shortly before delivery to schedule a trip abroad, as if the baby wanted to be born there.”

      About pregnancy star reporters learned at the end of March, when presumably it was on the fourth month. Despite the interesting position of large mother continued to work – broadcast and taught at the Institute of MITRO.

      During pregnancy psychic Mohsen Norouzi predicted that Mary will cope with the most difficult period – the first year of baby’s life and will soon return to work.

      “In the beginning of 2017 Mary will invite in an interesting TV program, I also see the rating of the show program with the permanent participation of Maria and her children in the profile of the “psychology education and health,” told Mohsen. – The marriage of Maria Sittel and Alexander Tereshchenko can be called harmonious and happy. Their compatibility according to the stars, a very good and successful. However, I foresee a bit of a crisis in relations following spring to overcome that does not suggest urgency and finality, and deference, and patience.”