Мария Кожевникова нашла в себе силы помириться с сестрой For a long time, actress and public figure is not communicated with the relative. After the divorce of his parents Maria Kozhevnikova not interested in the life of his half-sister Catherine. Only after the birth of first child she realised he was wrong and hurried to rectify the situation.

      Мария Кожевникова нашла в себе силы помириться с сестрой

      Actress and social activist Maria Kozhevnikova not hide from the public details of his personal life and family relationships. In the Studio of the program “Alone with all. To be an” actress confessed Yulia Menshovoj that for a long time did not communicate with his half-sister Catherine. After the divorce Mary was upset with his father and did not want to know anything about his new family.

      “When dad told me about your daughter Kate, I said, “I don’t want to hear about it. It to me.” Are not interested: I don’t know how old is she, what’s her name,” admitted Kozhevnikova.

      However, after a while Maria realized that she needed to establish a relationship with a relative. She was able to suppress children’s resentment and to meet Catherine. The actress realized that the girl was innocent, and tried to catch up.

      “After my first son was born Vanya, I told my dad I wanted to meet my sister. Don’t know what happened, but something in me definitely changed. I realized that I need to accept all the situations a bit differently not to resist. Kate is innocent — she’s her father’s daughter as I am. I just put myself in her position and realized that was wrong when he refused to communicate. Now we have a great relationship. I love her very much and support,” – said a celebrity in the program.

      Fans were blown away by the sincerity with which she told about her life. Heard stories struck them to the core and could not leave indifferent.

      “Burst into tears at some points! Maria said very sincerely,” “Mary, I’m fascinated by the after air even more!”, “You are superb, very nice voice, pleasant and wise thoughts, thank you for the broadcast, after your words there is something to ponder,” “I watched the show, I liked you in interviews both externally and inside filling! I hope it’s not grandstanding,” – shared his impressions of the members after the program.