Любовь Успенская оказалась в инвалидном кресле

Fans of the singer are concerned about her health…

We have become accustomed to the fact that the Love of the assumption, despite his years, is a regular participant of the materials about the most daring swimwear of the stars. The singer constantly posting vacation photos, showing off a great figure. Looking for a cheerful, trim lube, and do not dare to call her the lady in years – a young woman, not otherwise. What surprise of fans when their youthful Luba appeared in public in a wheelchair.

After the concert in one of the chic restaurants Chicago the assumption went to Canada. Only possible to reach the aircraft failed. At the local airport Love was moved in a wheelchair, which is being carefully wheeled the employee. When the singer was clearly in high spirits. She smiled, joked and even sang his hit “Carousel”, which was extremely appropriate in this situation.

Fans Luba started to sound the alarm, trying to find out what happened to their favorite: “my God, what happened to you?”, “Why are you in my chair?”, “Love, leave the chair, it’s not you. You have lovely legs, you are young and beautiful, do not grieve us.”

Someone tried to calm the singer’s fans, saying that some foreign airports have this kind of transit to aircraft, which is available not only to people with disabilities. Some have suggested that this is nothing more than PR. Black a little, but PR. However, all agreed that without the need of this chair is better not to sit down. Bad luck.

On the way to Canada, after a concert in Chicago, the mood is elegant, despite the early morning, you want to have fun, Chicago is cool

Video posted by Lyubov Uspenskaya (@uspenskayalubov) Sep 19 2016 11:47 PDT