Любаша рассказала об «Обострении чувств»
The singer struggles with winter, with unusual outfits.

Любаша рассказала об «Обострении чувств»


Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event

Lyubasha removed the “winter” music video, filled with expectation of spring — and all thanks to the extremely bright outfits from Slava Zaitsev. His song “the intensification of the senses” she “illustrated” the colored models in the Russian style, created by famous fashion designers and showcased by models from his Fashion House.

Любаша рассказала об «Обострении чувств»

On shootings of the clip

Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event

Любаша рассказала об «Обострении чувств»

Screening of “Russian” models from Slava Zaitsev

Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event

Together in one project Lyubasha and fashionable creations Zaitsev appeared in autumn, fashion show exhibition CHAPEAU 2017.


Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event

The fact that she is not only a composer and poet. She still enjoys decorating hats and almost always appears in public in an original and even extravagant hats, who personally decorates embroidery decorates with appliqués.

In the clip in addition to lyubashi and models also attended the singer from “the Voice” Roman Koshkarov, and the Director of the video was the very daughter together with Anton Elsevier.

“No matter how much snow may fall — it will be April!”, — so she Lyubasha commented on your “snow” clip.