Линдси, Виктор и Егор “United Russia” and Lindsay Lohan, of course, the main newsmakers of this week. If you were awake first, there was no doubt, the arrival to us of canadawork-wild child” raised by the journalists questioned.

      Actively chatter, or rather feathers, on the topic of her depression, the next binge and kindness about the stay in hospital under droppers are not forgotten. But Lindsay, noting the single rider position – familiarity with the designer of the Chelyabinsk region Olga Velichenko (Russian fashion American actress loves), a graceful swallow flew to the capital.

      Lindsay Lohan live at Andrey Malakhov

      The only thing I regret – our interview took place in a hotel room, so Lohan never met a millionaire Viktor Baturin, waiting for her in the Studio. But in addition to ordinary paternity Victor they could discuss our and American prisons, to exchange, that is to say, the experience of being behind bars. And poumists touching relationship between Lindsay Lohan and the parents of Yegor Tarabarova.

      With him her to a bloody showdown comes where (probably age difference) 23-year-old Yegor wins over a girlfriend-bully the upper hand. But with mom and dad Egor from 30 years vozmutitelnitsy public safety all the way around – not a relationship, and birthday of the heart.