Леонардо Ди Каприо встретился с Дональдом Трампом

Leonardo DiCaprio has long made it clear to the world that he’s one of those people who are most desperately concerned about the climate of our planet, and worried about what Earth will be like in a few years (tens, hundreds, thousands) and sounding the alarm now, not to miss the moment when you can stop the catastrophe and turn it in the other direction.

So, the question of climate change DiCaprio have talked with many of the powerful. Now really reached the newly elected President of Donald trump.

The meeting, which in addition to Leonardo and Donald was attended by Ivanka trump and Terry Tamminen (General Director of the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation) was held in “trump Tower”.

As told the representatives of the parties, the meeting discussed the possible development of energy environmentally friendly way, so not only can improve our climate, but also will create millions of jobs, where the population of the Earth is now so urgently needed.

“The President-elect has expressed a desire to meet in January and more details to discuss this idea,” — said after the meeting Tamminen.