Адвокаты Вали Исаевой угрожали отправить Хабиба Патахонова за решетку After the former husband of the woman kidnapped son, joined the case experienced lawyers. Today Habib visits the children only during the day when you would Isayev. Meanwhile, Val is preparing to leave the city with a new lover.
Адвокаты Вали Исаевой угрожали отправить Хабиба Патахонова за решетку

Not so long ago, history gave birth at the age of 11 Vali Isaeva again stirred up the public. In the program “really” the young woman admitted that for a year and a half meets with the chosen one, who can protect from her husband. According to Isayeva, the husband Habib Pataponov raised her hand. The couple has two growing children – a daughter and four year old son. After the broadcast, the man kidnapped him and tried to take the boy to his home, but fearing lawyers ex-wife, returned the child to mother.

Spouse who gave birth at the age of 11 Vali Isaeva kidnapped son

“Yes. He took son, and a week did not give him. That’s what came – up to the kidnapping of a child! Wanted to take him to Tajikistan. But the lawyers said, if, God forbid, Amir will take, we’ll go to jail,” – said Isayev told reporters.
Адвокаты Вали Исаевой угрожали отправить Хабиба Патахонова за решетку

According to Valentina, Habib is visiting a son and a daughter, communicate with them, where he currently lives ex-husband, she doesn’t know. “What makes, I don’t know and are not interested in. Let him come only for the day. He still tries to persuade me to give him Russian citizenship. But I’m not going to do that. Make sense? It will take an apartment and all,” – said Isayev. Myself a young woman is not working anywhere, bringing up children.

Who gave birth at the age of 11 Valya Isaeva is divorcing her husband Habib by Patagonum because of the beatings

“My marriage was a failure, it was a hasty step. The only thing that Habib gave me good children. Is the meaning of my life. But with the birth of my second child I fully experienced what is happiness – motherhood,” said Valya.
Адвокаты Вали Исаевой угрожали отправить Хабиба Патахонова за решетку

When a new lover Isayeva Victor Popov met her, I knew nothing about her past. A young woman told what had happened to her, but the man was not scared. “I’ll take care of the tree and her children. Want to take her children and leave”, – promised Viktor was on a talk-show of First channel “Let speak”.

“He will play with you, sooner or later, it will kick,” said Pataponov, commenting on her relationship with new lover.

Then on the show was invited eldest daughter Amina Isaeva. The girl admitted that he is not very fond of your father. Despite the unpleasant words, Habib promised always to help the child. The ex-wife also had suspicions that the youngest son he is not native. Dmitry Borisov announced the results of the DNA examination. Experts have established that with a probability of 99.9% he is the father of Amir. Only after that Habib gave Vale a son.

“We’ll leave soon, to my boyfriend in Kabardino-Balkaria. He is in the job comes. Leave with the children, at least temporarily, so as not to aggravate the situation. I filed for divorce. Habib doesn’t want me to do, but the lawyers said we still bred in court”, – said Isaeva edition kp.ru.