Ksenia Novikova told how she supports her children Ksenia Novikova said she was in a difficult financial situation and literally barely making ends meet.

Ksenia Novikova told how much money she supports children A black streak in the life of the ex-brilliant began after a recent divorce from businessman Alexei Sorokin. The couple broke up not on a friendly note. Novikova accused the missus of assault and psychological pressure. contains children” />

Now Xenia herself supports two sons from a previous relationship, and she earns money by selling her jewelry.

Ksenia Novikova told how much money she supports her children with

“What am I pulling children for? I sell my jewelry so that we can live,” Novikova complains. Why the artist does not get a job is another question. At the moment, the woman lives with her children in a country house, which may also be lost in the near future.

“I received a summons. Pay! Of course, I want to fight for my home, ”the ex-brilliant one shared in the Secret for a Million program.

Recall that Ksenia Novikova has two minor sons – Bogdan and Miron. The father of the boys is businessman Andrey Sereda, who does not maintain relations with them.

By the way, Bozena Rynska started selling personal belongings recently because of lack of money.

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