Китти Спенсер и Майкл Льюис больше не скрываются от публики

Китти Спенсер и Майкл Льюис больше не скрываются от публики

In early January, the network appeared rumors that the 29-year-old niece of Princess Diana kitty Spencer and 60-year-old millionaire Michael Lewis decided to get married. Official confirmation of this information from a couple there, but their behavior lately is waving all doubts. Apparently the public will soon see the wedding of these celebrities.

Recently in the network appeared the pictures, which show that the couple is indeed in a romantic relationship, and millionaire really made his beloved proposal of marriage.

The paparazzi caught a few in Cape town where they are currently on vacation. On the ring finger of kitty, you can see a huge diamond ring. The couple noticed that their take pictures of, but to pose for photos did not. They quickly hid in a nearby café from the paparazzi, but journalists with their cameras followed them. Michael and kitty were sitting at a table quite a long time, do not hesitate others were holding hands, sweet talked and gently kissing. All these moments were able to capture photographers.

Cape town couple has chosen to stay not by accident. This area is almost a home for kitty. Niece of Princess Diana spent her childhood and youth in the area. In London, Spencer moved only from the desired education, after graduation she had to stay there to live.

For girls, this marriage will be the first in her life, but the millionaire Michael has been married life. With the first wife Leona he lived a long time during which they had three children. His fortune he made on the fashion industry, it owns two of London’s fashion Houses and shops can be found around the world.

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