Кендалл Дженнер откровенно рассказала о борьбе с акне

Kendall Jenner

Acne and comedones — a problem faced even supermodels. 23-year-old Kendall Jenner have always openly discussed my struggle with acne. The vast network and then pop up the pictures from the various events, which show the abundant rash on the face of the star: whether it’s a basketball game or even a Golden globe. Last week Jenner was announced as the new Ambassador of the brand ProActiv. In the video, she revealed to fans the secret to a healthy radiance to your skin. Nevertheless, the model has been heavily criticized on social networks for the fact that she is “confused” their fans.

Кендалл Дженнер откровенно рассказала о борьбе с акне

In a video released by her mom Kris Jenner, stood hashtags #bethechange, #shareyourstory and #changetheconversation that brought fans to the idea that all these confessions are just advertising products.

Today, Kendall has published in Instagram great writing-the story of his exhausting struggle with the rash.


While the world is experiencing much more serious things for me exhausting was the struggle with acne. This is what I encountered in adolescence, and it made me feel anxiety, helplessness and uncertainty. We live in a time when we are all “perfect.” The influence of beauty standards. We are sharing details of their lives on the Internet and choose the best photo for publication. I would like to show the younger generation that all is not perfect.

Self-doubt taught me to be resilient. But I would never wish that on anyone, so after trying countless options, I found something that helped me keep clear skin. It’s been a long road, but I’m happy with what became my skin. I never thought the day would come when I’d feel confident posting a photo without makeup. My goal is to start a dialogue about bodypositive.

Кендалл Дженнер откровенно рассказала о борьбе с акне

The star also said in his Instagram-stories about how they’ve changed over 10 years, taking part in the popular challenge #10yearchallenge:

I was 13 years old, and every day I ran home crying because people were looking at my skin

Кендалл Дженнер откровенно рассказала о борьбе с акне

Kendall said he was proud of the fact that advertises ProActiv, because she knows what it means to try countless remedies that end up useless.

Кендалл Дженнер откровенно рассказала о борьбе с акне

Кендалл Дженнер откровенно рассказала о борьбе с акне

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