Кендал Дженнер рассталась со своим избранником
A few days ago Kendall Jenner took to the runway at fashion Week in Milan, so with the modeling career she’s all right, but in his personal life not exactly.

Кендал Дженнер рассталась со своим избранником

Kendall is Dating a basketball player Blake Griffin, but lately both too busy, so rarely see each other. A few days ago the insider said that the lovers do not feel each other of the former senses, and to make a formal statement about the breakup is in no hurry.

Кендал Дженнер рассталась со своим избранником

Although the athlete already started Dating other girls. Recently noticed him on a date with a stranger in a restaurant in Los Angeles.

It should be noted that the romance between Kendall and Blake began about a year ago and they tried not to advertise their relationship.

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