Карина Разумовская вышла замуж за одноклассника
The actress did not arrange magnificent ceremony.

Karina and Igor Razumovsky

Photo: Instagram

Karina Razumovskaya
secretly got married. The star of “Major” became the wife of a classmate Egor Burdin, with
whom she has been together for more than ten years. Lovers walking on a rainy Peter and accidentally
wandered to the registry office, where he quickly applied. According to Karina, the whole procedure
painting then took only 20 minutes. About any outfits of the bride and groom were not discussed. And Igor,
and Karina was dressed for Hiking: comfortable jeans, leather jacket and white
the t-shirts.

As the decision was completely spontaneous, the wedding didn’t even
the closest people, including parents of the newlyweds. “We with Egor
long complicated story — told Karina
in an exclusive interview to magazine “7 days”. — We are familiar with the seventh grade,
went to a beautiful 551-th school. First, in parallel classes, and
the tenth classmates. We, along with fifteen years. Our first kiss
happened on the steps of the school, and our classmates for us spying. I
remember their faces and curious glances as I entered the theater
Institute, Yegor came to support me on one of the tours gave me lilies of the valley. I
and went to the audition in a gray turtleneck and black skirt, with a white
Lily of the valley… and then you And Greg broke up. It was spring and it was raining. We parted
Institute, where I spent 24 hours a day. Each started their own lives. I
she married another man, Yegor married… Nothing good ever came of it. With
my husband and I a few years got divorced. Egor divorced. And now we’re back together