Кай Метов пролил свет на отношения с Евгенией Феофилактовой The star of “House-2” often came to the club of the famous artist. Then rumors about the novel member of Feofilaktova with Kai by Metonym. Several years ago, the artist was the owner of night entertainment in the center of Moscow.

Singer Kay stamps were very popular in 90-e years. Despite the fact that for all the creativity the artist has released eight Studio albums, he is remembered as the artist of the hit Position No. 2. Despite the fact that currently he continues to tour, he develops his business. A few years ago Kai was the owner of a nightclub in the center of Moscow, where often there is a star of “House-2” Eugene Feofilaktova. For some time it was attributed to a whirlwind romance.

“Come Feofilaktova, I then six months attributed to all her children. Such is the human imagination – people are ready to improvise on a given theme. Feofilaktova and came up with different guys. Then the guys came without it – every day was a party. People who devote themselves to PR, keep your nose clean and always be in the place where it is necessary. The club was one of those places,” explained stamps.

Kai is easy on the rumors about his personal life. The man was one of the official marriage with a woman named Natalia. During married life they had a daughter Christine. Also, the artist has children – Anastasia and Rick. Not so long ago a man met a girl who is younger than his 29 years. Kai Metov wants to marry a young bride

But Kai tries not to attract public attention to his personal life. However, he understands that it is the interests of fans. The musician believes that for man it is unacceptable to shout about romances and breakups.

“I understand that the driving part of the interview and the caption made up of personal stories. But I do not want to talk. I understand when a girl is with someone and I broke up and yells, they say, he’s such a troublemaker. But when a man begins to talk, with whom he got back together-broke up, this looks silly, not manly. I can only say that my heart is always filled with love and creativity” – confessed musician.

Kai Metov always tries to be in touch with their fans. He is active in social networks publish photos and talking to fans, but only talks about creative activities, avoiding talk about personal things. The actor admits that is often faced with the unpleasant sides of public life.

“He replied to correspondence. There will often ask for money openly. I don’t know what a boom is. We all have something hurts or fire. I am a person that is responsive to some points connected with the charity – said Kai in an interview with “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. – I have corporate hospitals, which are there military units, orphanages, in which I go. But then you just keep rolling the snowball”.