Джонни Депп заговорил об убийстве Дональда Трампа

American actor johnny Depp, the star of “Pirates of the Caribbean”, sparked a wave of outrage from fans of the Republican party because of his performance at music festival Glastonbury in the UK, where he presented his new work – a film “the Libertine”.

Johnny went out to the already warmed up the crowd and said:
“Can we bring trump? I think he needs help, and I know some deep, dark places where he could go. It’s just a question, I’m not suggesting anything.. When was the last time the actor killed a President?” said johnny, and added, with the howling of the crowd – ” I want to clarify that I’m just an actor, and I stand for life, but maybe the time has come..”
A few minutes later, johnny thanked the audience for the warm “wonderful, chaotic, crazy” reception.
Recall that Depp was initially opposed to Republicans, and the victory of Donald trump on the US presidential election really upset him, like many of his colleagues.