Дженнифер Энистон устроила розыгрыш для поклонников сериала “Друзья”

Дженнифер Энистон устроила розыгрыш для поклонников сериала “Друзья”

In 2019, the TV series “Friends” celebrated a remarkable date — 25 years since the release of the first series on the television screens. In the same year, the fans just went crazy with the news, they’re going to make a sitcom of the anniversary episode. Unfortunately, it’s probably not gonna happen. But the main actors of the series don’t allow yourself to forget, they often publish photos in social networks. And Jennifer aniston made a memorable draw for their fans.

The actress became the TV presenter in the famous American project “Ellen DeGeneres”, at the request of most of Ellen and Jennifer have replaced it with a single broadcast. As she told DeGeneres in the day she had emergency plans, therefore, to appear on the show she couldn’t physically. Ellen had to change the driving license.

It so happened that the filming of the Ellen Show held in the nearby pavilion where 10 consecutive years spent Jennifer aniston, appearing in cult TV series.

Of course, aniston could not go to their wall. At the moment, the site of the “Central perk” with the famous sofa belongs in a Museum Warner Bros. In this pavilion there are constant sightseeing, everyone can sit on the sofa and take pictures with props in hand. When Jennifer saw this picture she came up with a great idea. Among the groups she was hiding behind the couch, and then suddenly appeared behind the visitors.

Before guests sit on the sofa, the organizers asked them who their favorite character from the TV series “Friends”? Of course, not all answered, Rachel. Someone said Phoebe, and someone Ross. At one point aniston jumped out from behind the sofa and shouted: “Ross? One of you said Ross?”.

Of course, fans were in great delight, they were photographed with a celebrity and cried from happiness. There were those who did not believe that before them is the real Jennifer aniston. They asked whether it was she, and asked to prove by showing that the face has no mask.

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