Дженнифер Энистон поделилась секретом борьбы со своими комплексами

Дженнифер Энистон поделилась секретом борьбы со своими комплексами

American 50-year-old actress Jennifer aniston admitted that throughout the greater part of his life felt a great uncertainty in the forces. Celebrity who gained popularity after the main role in the TV series “Friends” who shared the secret of his struggle with the complex.

Jennifer aniston has never hid the fact that her own mother Nancy Dow her always criticized and humiliated. In an interview with the star even said that he considers her mother a cruel despot. At a young age celebrity tried to go to the theater and to launch her career, but her wish failed. The girl didn’t give up and decided to conquer the film industry, but Nancy to the last discouraged her. The woman argued her point of view the fact that Jennifer is not created for screen, it’s not pretty, not the face, a terrible figure and delivered a speech. Therefore, in all samples the girl walked in a compressed and closed condition.

Even after the TV series “Friends” made aniston a star of world recognition, her insecurities will not go away. She felt the same terrible girl with a bad figure. Was not able to raise self-esteem and marriage with the first handsome man of Hollywood, brad pitt. And after they divorced, Jennifer actually began to feel insignificant, the internal systems of the actress has only worsened.

She can go weeks without getting out of your home inside and constantly felt guilt. And she even could not answer the question of what she did in the marriage so I had to get a divorce. At that moment she decided that she would never be worthy of true love. And only a year after a bad breakup of a relationship, she was able to sincerely smile.

Now she can tell you what helped her to get out of this state. At the moment she found the body of your dreams, and most importantly, without exhausting diets she tried in the past. Now she takes her appearance very simple, but never leave yourself alone. All thanks to daily yoga, workouts have been going on for over 10 years. Through yoga, aniston has found a sense of ease within the body. Now, when the actress looking at herself in the mirror, he sees a man who can fight many men.

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