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Even death was not a valid reason to stop the feud between the star’s daughter and her mother.

Nancy Dow, mother of the actress died at the end of may this year, 80-m to year of life. Relationship with my daughter was she not so hot – after Nancy released a book which revealed details of the private life of his famous daughter, Jennifer simply ceased to communicate with her. It would seem that after the departure of the mother to the light of the hostility would stop, but no, as reported by the American edition of In Touch, aniston refused to take the urn with the ashes of his mother, which greatly distressed relatives.

“She said she doesn’t want, – told In Touch, one of the family. – We all know that Jen and Nancy had an awful relationship. Jennifer could not see her in life and, it seems, after the death of Nancy, the situation has not changed.” And although the actress tried to explain his refusal to take the ashes to the fact that, in her words, “keep the remains of human bodies in the house – it’s pathology, but, according to the same relative, her especially no one believed. Apparently, the emotions were so strong that it does not subside until now, Jennifer can’t forgive mom.

However, the hostility between mother and daughter were mutual – as it turned out, Nancy struck Jennifer of will.

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