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Throughout 10 seasons of the sitcom “Friends” Jennifer aniston played Rachel green – daughter of rich parents, who refused to live according to the laws of high society. Character aniston has a good taste, but she had traits, due to which many did not like her – Rachel was getting rid of gifts that she didn’t like. Apparently, Jennifer has adopted this quality in your character, because the gifts given to her by the actress goes about the same.

In a recent interview with BBC Radio 1, aniston said that often gives friends the gifts that had once given her and believes that it’s perfectly normal: “I don’t think it’s a bad thing to do.” Interestingly, the actress does not hide and even calls the name of the person from whom he received a particular gift.

Note that to please aniston is not so difficult. All that it requires is that the gift was chosen or made with love and with the included head. Most Jennifer like to receive as a gift Souvenirs, hand made. Puredrive whether it is someone hand-made, not specified.