Дженнифер Энистон пустилась во все тяжкие
The actress did not wait for the completion of protracted divorce proceedings.

Дженнифер Энистон пустилась во все тяжкие

Jennifer aniston and Justin Theroux


Jennifer aniston decided to keep up with Justin Theroux, with whom she is now divorced. First, the actor, before he officially
will be a free man, began to twist one novel after another. And now it
example, apparently, decided to follow and aniston.

According to the publication Us Weekly,
Jennifer is now Dating with two suitors. The first of them is a computer expert. The other man closer to aniston profession, film Director. With the first actress he met while preparing for shooting a new
the series, funded by computer company Apple that made the decision
to invest their capital and even in the television industry. The show has not yet
got names, but we already know that aniston is not the only star
project. It will also star Reese Witherspoon. The audience
see the first series this fall.

Acquaintance with the mysterious Director organized
for aniston, her best friend is Courtney Cox. While Jennifer tries to keep
both her novel in secret: nobody but Courtney doesn’t know her name
lover’s from the film industry.

Justin Theroux, who will officially be ex-husband
Jennifer, in recent years, often seen in the company of actress Emma stone. But
to her from February of this year when he announced his divorce from aniston,
Theroux managed to meet another with a string of girlfriends. Starting with a photo artist Petra
Collins, he soon switched to the young actress, Aubrey Plaza. Then — 28-year-old actress Laura Harrier.

Jennifer aniston and Courteney Cox