Иван Ургант записал пародию на хит «Между нами тает лед»

Within days the song of the Ukrainian group “Fungi” “Between us is melting the ice” became the Top in the Network. A movie in which guys with hidden faces in the bus, singing a song, has already gained 20 million views. And this is not the limit!

As peculiar to our time, the movie almost on the first day of its appearance in the Network, become a parody. His version of “Melting ice” already played by the workers, but also could not resist a parody of “Mushrooms” Ivan Urgant.

Host of the show “Evening Urgant” decided to approach the matter with all responsibility: there was a contest where everyone who wants to take part in the video you had to send a mail transfer of your photos in a tracksuit.

How well Ivan and his assembled team managed to inherit the “Mushrooms” you can assess below: