Стало известно, как Никите Джигурде досталось многомиллионное наследство The flamboyant actor made a surprise announcement. Nikita Dzhigurda was admitted that the decision Lyudmila Bratash to bequeath him a legacy of more than eight hundred million rubles, due to her tragedy in his personal life.

      Стало известно, как Никите Джигурде досталось многомиллионное наследство

      Six months ago, in the family of Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina those, a tragic event occurred. Cross mother of their son was found dead in her Moscow apartment. Lyudmila Bratash was one of the richest businesswoman in Russia. After her death, Nikita and his wife began to pursue the unknown person, since it became known that a woman wrote to all his inheritance on the star family. Dzhigurda sure death Bratash and threats in his address – the handiwork of the sisters businesswoman and her driver.

      Nikita Dzhigurda about the death of a close friend: “she was killed by Her sister and a driver!”

      In the Studio of “live” shocking, the actor spoke about how he inherited a fabulous legacy. He explained why Lyudmila Bratash bestowed his wealth is not her sister, and him and his wife.

      “Lucy had an abortion from a loved one. Twins – a boy and a girl. Then she could not have children. It was her pain, the tragedy. When we met, she told me of the pain. We took her to the witch, who said: “You need to become godmother. You son born to your friends signal. Your twins. First boy come, and then the girl.” And when Angele was born, there was no questions of who will be the godmother. And next year Eva was born, fair-haired, like Lucy more than Anisina,” admitted the chair.
      Стало известно, как Никите Джигурде досталось многомиллионное наследство

      Nikita told me that his family and Lyudmila Bratash long-term friendship. In fact, they were the closest her people. According to Dzhigurda, businesswoman made a will in 2010, after she was assassinated. Before that, in October 2009, she bought an apartment in the elite complex of Moscow, and in November the property was transferred to her sister.

      The actor finds that his girlfriend is specially entered into a state of indecision, to sign all documents and to assign them to housing. He is convinced that sister Ludmila and her driver deliberately undermined her health, so, in the end, to kill and get a fabulous inheritance.

      Стало известно, как Никите Джигурде досталось многомиллионное наследство

      In the Studio of “live” out of the chair shared with the audience the documents which confirm that he is the heir Bratash. Moreover, in the official paper Lyudmila signed by the following lines: “Please consider my will in the will final given that on the part of other persons, including my sister Romanova Svetlana and my driver Kuranova Dmitry possible fraud, blackmail and violence”.

      Nikita Dzhigurda: “Now I’m going to call the spirits on Greek Villa for millionaires”

      Nikita is indignant that in the case of the death of prominent businesswoman not instituted criminal proceedings. It promises to provide in court evidence and proof of guilt Romanova and Kuranova in the death of his girlfriend.