Ирина Агибалова и Татьяна Африкантова схлестнулись в телешоу Women continue to sort things out. Earlier, Tatiana Afrikantov said, if has dirt on Irina Agibalova. More recently, the conflict of the famous thelebanese moved to the legal framework. Irina requires opponent a million rubles for moral damages.

      Ирина Агибалова и Татьяна Африкантова схлестнулись в телешоу

      Recently Tatiana Afrikantov shocked the public, saying that he knows all the ins and outs of Irina Agibalova. The woman said, like another ex-member of telestroke was in prison. In turn, Agibalova denies such allegations. She sued on Afrikantova and requires it one million rubles in moral damages. Recently the reality star became the heroine of the NTV program “Talk show”. They tried to solve their problems in the Studio.

      Irina Agibalova: “due to slander Africanoboi I could be in trouble with a tumor”

      “Tatiana claims that I have a file, a folder where it tells me that I spent four years in the colony and are a fraud, “seckau”. It is important that you touch the memory of my late father, saying that I had another maiden name and I was cheating… since I have know Tatyana Vladimirovna, and I understand that it is useless to talk, I wrote her daughter Marina,”– said Irina.
      Ирина Агибалова и Татьяна Африкантова схлестнулись в телешоу

      However, the girl failed to resolve the conflict. Despite the fact that Tatyana has promised Marina not to mention the name of the Agibalova, further confrontation between the two women continued. Irina noted that do not overlap with the competitor before and did not understand what caused her insults.

      When Tatiana Afrikantov went into the Studio, she said that is not going to pay the other star telestroke compensation.

      “This woman deserves to be insulted last words. Irina, want to build Sobchak? Yes, you are “tops” sticking out from the pockets… I think you brought up area. Irina wanted to attract me to the event, told me that her friend Diane’s birthday. I gave the nod to go along to the party. In that event, she tried to get me drunk”, she said.
      Ирина Агибалова и Татьяна Африкантова схлестнулись в телешоу

      According to Africanoboi, Agibalova purposely invited her to a birthday party to compromise. Tatiana said that the photographers were only waiting for the moment to remove it together with alcoholic beverages and also surrounded by young people.

      Then, the network appeared the pictures, which Afrikantov was captured allegedly dubious company. The woman was upset captions, which claimed that she pays men for attention and love. What the former participant “Houses-2” Ilya Yabbarov reproached Tatiana Afrikanova her scandalous past. “I remember the party where you stood *** in 67 years,” he said.

      Then the Studio came the birthday girl Diana Bicharova. “Why did my birthday have made some kind of brothel? To me it’s unpleasant,” she said.

      Mother Irina Agibalova, too, was upset about the incident.

      “Tatyana has slandered our family. I cry, I hate and ashamed that we have so lowered. We are not the last family in the place where we lived. I have two degrees, a husband is the head, we are quite wealthy family. We don’t know what a prison is, and thank God. Nor my family, no one. Tatiana dropped us through the floor. I’m worried really, I’m after a big heart attack, I had two mini-strokes,” said Olga Tarasenko.
      Ирина Агибалова и Татьяна Африкантова схлестнулись в телешоу

      Then Tatiana Afrikantov knelt before the elderly woman and apologized, but did not leave attempts to discredit the opponent. She stated that it intends to sue another celebuski and plans to file a counterclaim.

      Then the Studio came Yuri, the husband of Irina Agibalova. “I know these children are mine,” he said in response to accusations by Tatiana Afrikanova infidelity of his wife. The parent also stood up, she Gazhienko, who asks her opponent about the evidence of conviction Irina Alexandrovna. A young woman asked Tatiana Vladimirovna to apologize.

      Olga Gazhienko: “My relationship with my husband was saved Kseniya Sobchak”

      “The words I ain’t gonna. See you in court. The documents will be, when appointed by the court and I get a summons,” said Afrikantov.
      Ирина Агибалова и Татьяна Африкантова схлестнулись в телешоу

      After some time Irina Agibalova and her husband got tired of listening to insults and they left the Studio for a few minutes. Tatiana did not let up and continued to insult the opponent. In turn, the husband of Afrikantova stated that it is the conflict of two women.

      In the final programme the expert with the results, Irina Agibalova on a polygraph. He said that the woman truthfully answered questions. However, these data are not convinced Tatiana Afrikanova. She continued to insist on their point of view. Tatiana said she plans to go to the end. After that, the host of the program asked Irina Agibalova, if she will take a statement, if the opponent will bring her a public apology. What famous telebasura, very upset what is happening, answered in the negative.