Интимный вопрос: какие способы контрацепции выбирают российские женщины?

Answers to any woman’s questions came in a large-scale study of the company “Gedeon Richter”.

Lately the whole world has passed Day of contraception, the purpose of which is not the first year is to increase the literacy in questions of family planning. Hungarian pharmaceutical company “Gedeon Richter” was timed to this date output prepared jointly with the Russian centre for public opinion studies (VTSIOM) opinion poll among Russian women Index of women’s health “Gedeon Richter”. The results of the study were interesting and largely unexpected.

According to the findings, one in three women (38%) prefers the hormonal preparations and the majority of respondents (71% of participants) considers them to be effective. Meanwhile, on additional benefits of such tools knows not every woman with 43% of the respondents are aware of the valuable properties in the treatment of acne, 42% understand that they contribute to improving the appearance and condition of skin, hair and nails, and just 36% are aware of their role in the prevention of cancer of reproductive organs. Less popular methods of contraception such as coitus interruptus (18%) and calendar method (10%). One of the major points of the study was the method of choice of drugs. What principles govern women, choosing a particular facility? Fortunately, majority of the respondents (94%) listen to the recommendations of the doctor. Interestingly, reviews on the Internet, trusted by 18%, and the advice of friends is only 9%. Even fewer girls (6%) ask questions to the pharmacist.

“It’s no secret that the attitude of the hormonal drugs there are many stereotypes and myths, not having no sound scientific base. These drugs included in gynecological practice many decades ago, today are an important part of both family planning and women’s health as a whole, – says Irina Shestakova, MD, PhD, associate Professor in the Department of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive medicine of the faculty of advanced training of medical workers of PFUR. – Of course, the average Russian woman is not required to understand health issues at the level of expert, but in her power to understand her body, how to care for it, how and what can affect the drugs she takes, including hormonal. The company “Gedeon Richter” is not the first year carries out such an important social initiative, a public opinion survey to encourage women to seek new knowledge on the topic of contraception healthy.