Наперекор завистникам: Джанабаева показала личное фото с Меладзе
Albina stopped being afraid of criticism of detractors.

Наперекор завистникам: Джанабаева показала личное фото с Меладзе

Albina dzhanabaeva and Valery Meladze

Photo: Instagram.com

Today Valery Meladze’s birthday party. Relatives and colleagues congratulate the singer with 52-year anniversary. Of course, most of the requests will remain “behind the scenes” — he received personal messages and calls. However, in a Network there was some touching photos of the birthday boy, which placed him close.

The most touching picture published Albina dzhanabaeva. It is the first time in a long time, decided to give vent to the feelings of the beloved in public, showing a frame from the family archive. It should be noted that the complex history of the couple’s love is still a matter of condemnation and misunderstanding from the public. Because of this earlier wife was afraid to let strangers in her personal life. Now, Albin has learned to act in spite of all the envious and ill-wishers.

“No matter what anyone said they were a harmonious pair!”, “Tons of tenderness! Believe in the sincerity of their feelings”, “that’s a good one, more to these!” write Dzhanabaeva those who are genuinely happy for their favorite artist.

Valery Meladze with his parents

Photo: Instagram.com

Birthday boy, by the way, also added a microblog new photos. On it he is depicted with his parents. “Thank you to our dear parents for this wonderful world that I saw exactly 53 years ago!” — posted by Valery.