Rest in Baden-Baden configured spouses in a romantic mood. The star couple went to one of the most popular European resorts, noting the birthday of his daughter Veronica. 8 Oct baby exactly a year.
The famous composer Igor Nikolaev and his young wife, singer Julia Proskurnova these October days carried out in Germany, enjoying the beauty and wonderful weather of the famous Spa town of Baden-Baden.
Apparently, the star couple in admiration of German holidays. Igor and Julia do a lot of walking, taking pictures of the local species, shoot videos and post all your microblogging to the beautiful moments they have remained in the family archive. The trip was very inspiring and set a romantic mood. Nikolaev I Proskuryakova decided on something never done before – they publicly demonstrated their feelings, remembering the photo of a passionate kiss, in which they merged during one of my walks by the saturated autumn in the Park.
“Autumn in Baden-Baden kiss”, – said the Igor Nikolaev. Fans of the star couple is intimate and full of love frame, just fascinated.
“How beautiful! That’s the same beautiful love you for life!”, “Stunningly beautiful! The best! You endless happiness, love, family well-being! Bitter”, “Familiar places. All wedding photography do on this magical bridge of love”, “You are a wonderful couple, love each other and take care, I wish you happiness in every day”, “romantic Love, classy couple and daughter honey. Happiness to your family!” such good wishes I leave the followers of Igor Nikolaev under his Frank the with my wife.
By the way, none of the photos have not yet seen little daughter spouse of Veronica. It is not excluded that the star parents, this time decided not to take the baby to a trip. After all, she was one year old, so a girl can be completely trusted to the care of grandparents. It should be noted that it is the first trip of Igor Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova since the birth of their daughter Veronica, if you do not consider them a family trip to Jurmala, which the couple considered their second home and where was born their long-awaited heir. Igor Nikolaev showed the family idyll
Parents try to spend with Veronica and every spare minute. Julia is very glad that Igor constantly helps her in everything. Moreover, the composer has a grown daughter, so he is an experienced dad and husband constantly listens to his advice.