Марина Африкантова отметила день рождения с дочкой Андрея Чуева One of the most colorful member “House-2” was 26 years old. Shortly before the significant date Marina Afrikantov and Andrey Chuev went to Sunny Dubai to this day they can remember for a long time. In the morning the man gifts favorite gifts and compliments.

      Now Marina Afrikantov, along with her fiance Andrew Chuyev and his daughter from his first marriage, Lisa is resting in Dubai. The birthday phone participant reality show “House 2” was ringing off the hook all morning. “StarHit” also congratulated the Marina and found out how she celebrated.

      “It was a wonderful day! After waking up I had a bouquet of flowers and a Teddy bear, told Afrikantov. Is Andrew and Lizzie gave me. In the evening went to the restaurant and megapath on the occasion of birthday will arrange early next week. The fact that in Dubai weekend days are Friday and Saturday, and many places, including our favorite Russian restaurant “Tchaikovsky”, were closed. So that in him we will walk, most likely on Monday. Anyway, I am glad to be in Dubai. I love this city. There are such wonderful people. Five months ago, we vacationed here with my mom, a month went mad and made a lot of friends. So, the party will be massive”.

      In Dubai Marina and Andrew will stay until October 25. A month ago Marina said in an interview with “StarHit” the fact that they pre-planned trip to the United Arab Emirates on her 26th birthday. “Very excited when you fly in your favorite Dubai! – shared with “StarHit” Afrikantov. – Really like this city. Yachts, tours, shopping…”

      The pair extended its Arab holidays, as the wedding that they wanted to play October 22, was postponed. Chuev and Afrikantov decided to postpone the wedding due to the fact that they will take part in the competition “Wedding in a million”. As a prize the winner gets a tidy sum for the organisation of the festival. Marina Afrikantov: “Chuev swears he didn’t cheat”

      “We want a luxurious celebration,” – said Marina “StarHit”. – The contest will be held in January 2017, and we have all chances to win”.

      Recall that the relations of Marina and Andrew was not straightforward. During the year the lovers, many times swearing and reconciled, and once even broke up for a month. “The whole year we Andrew lived like a volcano, and then decided to disperse, – said in an interview with “StarHit” Afrikantov. – I’ve even started Dating another guy – Vanya Barsikow. To Chuev daughter, and it is a month left the project to spend time with her. In parallel, Andrei looked at other girls, trying to build a new relationship. If not for my mother, who texted him about what the project needs help, don’t know if we met again or not.”