Хилари Клинтон стало плохо во время поминальной церемонии

Yesterday the world commemorated the victims of the terrible terrorist attack in the United States in 2001. Then the al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked two passenger planes and flew them into tall buildings, which was an international trading center. During the collapse of the twin towers killed thousands of people, not to mention those unfortunates who were in the planes. In connection with the tragic events of fifteen years ago in new York and other cities held a series of mourning, some of them were seen by politicians of the highest rank of America. Thus, the appearance of Hillary Clinton, candidate for President from the democratic party, no surprise, but caused the excitement in her electorate, as the politician was forced to retire before the end of the event due to poor health.

Хилари Клинтон стало плохо во время поминальной церемонии

According to us media reports, the cause of illness was a sunstroke, which Hilary even lost consciousness at the car its the driver. Feeling very bad that Clinton did not go to the hospital and went to his daughter Chelsea, who lives in Manhattan. Now, as representatives of Hillary, she is feeling much better.