Harvey Weinstein will have to die in prison Producer has been given more time.

Harvey Weinstein will have to die in prisonThe wonderful life of Harvey Weinstein collapsed in one moment, after The New York Times published an interview with actress Ashley Judd on October 5, 2017, in which she spoke about sexual harassment on his part.

And then it began. Accusations against Harvey rained down from all sides. Not only little-known actresses, but also real stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie began to talk about the fact that Weinstein harassed them. In total, more than 80 women turned out to want just retribution.

Even Quentin Tarantino threw “pebble in the garden” Harvey, recalling the story of his former lover – actress Mira Sorvino, who also complained to him about his harassment.

As a result, an investigation began and on May 25, 2018, Weinstein was arrested by NYPD detectives on charges of forcing one actress to perform oral sex and raping another in a New York hotel room. Then he was released on $1,000,000 bail and with a tracking bracelet.

Then the courts began, where the prosecution demanded 29 years in prison for all the deeds of Harvey, and the defense insisted that 5 would be enough, especially since the producer is no longer young and his health leaves much to be desired.

As a result, on March 11, 2020, on the eve of his 68th birthday, Harvey Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years in prison. Even then it could be assumed that without an amnesty, the producer would hardly be able to go free before he died of old age.

But, as it turned out, that was not all. The next court increased his sentence by another 16 years, and if before that there were at least some theoretical chances, now there are none left at all.

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