Сильно похудевшую Ирину Дубцову не узнали фанаты
Popular singer made a splash with an incredible transformation.

Сильно похудевшую Ирину Дубцову не узнали фанаты

Irina Dubtsova

Photo: @dubtsova_official Instagram Irina Dubtsova

Irina Dubtsova with difficulty
recognizable for their latest pictures. The thing is that the singer finally
managed to say goodbye to excess weight. The singer has made
a furor his appearance in the Studio of the popular radio stations. Much
postroynevshy Irina glowed with happiness and gladly shared their
the secrets of weight loss.

As told Dubtsova,
for a long time she was in search of “his” sport. She was looking for a replacement
monotonous trips to the gym that often discourage girls desire
to get in shape. Irina wanted to pick up a sport that would be
energy-intensive, but dynamic and interesting. The search continued until
until the singer did not get to practice Boxing! In her opinion, it
a great alternative to classes at the gym and diets. In addition to visible effect —
burning excess weight, Boxing helps to cope with stress in life Dubtsova.

Recall that almost immediately
after the singer was released from the hospital, where she came with a sharp attack
allergies, Irina went on tour. And return her again
had to leave Moscow. Her son also was found allergic to bloom
some of the trees, so they were forced to escape on time to the Bahamas.
By the way, Tom’s a good boy, and happy mother progress
foreign languages and sports.

Irina Dubtsova

Photo: @dubtsova_official Instagram Irina Dubtsova

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